About Us
RKEC Projects Ltd is a Construction Company, over 37 years old, specializing in civil and defence construction, such as the construction of Buildings, Highways, Marine Works, and bridges. During the last decade, the company has completed many construction projects in India covering Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Odisha, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Puducherry, Kerala, Manipur, and Uttar Pradesh. In addition, the company has expanded our presence to the state of, West Bengal, Jharkhand, and Karnataka with ongoing projects.
The Company has been able to achieve targets by fusing tremendous engineering knowledge with ground breaking skills, an experienced team, binding an optimum mix of men, machines, and materials across diverse projects.
RKEC Projects Ltd ranks amongst the country's top ten companies for designing and executing Marine Works. The Company has been executing onshore and infrastructure projects since 1985 and offshore works since 1994. We would also like to introduce ourselves as “Super Special Class” registered contractors with the Ministry of Defence which gives us unlimited tendering capability.
RKEC Projects Ltd attained a good reputation among its clients because of its track record, experienced members, and proven strength on delivery norms across its all spectrum of services. The Company has entered into projects for diverse range of clients including Defence sector like MES and DGNP, DRDO, NHAI, Indian Railways, Ports like JNPT, CoPT, MbPT, Haldia Dock Complex, Adani Infra India Ltd., Vedanta
Ltd, RINL (Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited) and Public Works Department.
G. Radha Krishna, Promoter of the company started a proprietorship firm under the name and style of “RK Engineers & Contractors" which was later incorporated as RKEC Projects Private Limited in the year 2005 and subsequently converted in to a public limited company as “RKEC Projects Limited” in the year 2016 and also listed on the NSE main board.
RKEC enriched itself with three decades of Project Execution Experience having Project Teams with vast Experience, a skilled work force, and relevant plant & equipment.
RKEC is operating its core contracting business mainly in the following verticals with a wide base of clientele.
Marine/ Offshore Structures
Roads & Bridges
Buildings & Infrastructure
Over the years, RKEC has grown multifold adding expertise and capabilities in the areas of Offshore Structures i.e., Berths & Jetties, Roads & Bridges, Buildings, etc. RKEC's excellent track record in the industry and efforts enabled it to take up multi-disciplinary turn key projects on an EPC basis.
RKEC's Corporate Policy is: Commitment to excel with quality workmanship and international standards in the chosen field of construction and to provide engineering solutions in harmony with the environment.
Shri G. Radhakrishna started implementing site grading, land development, Road making, and Heavy precision machinery foundation in 1985 as a partner of a firm M/s. Radha Krishna
Constructions. The year 1994 he retired from the said partnership firm and started doing business as a “Sole Proprietor” under the name and style of “RK Engineers & Contractors".
In the year 2005, the company was incorporated as “RKEC Projects Private Limited” at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, a private limited company under the provision of the Companies Act 1956. After incorporation, our company took over the running business of “RK Engineers & Contractors” a proprietorship concern engaged in the business of civil engineering and construction work. Subsequently in November 2016, the Constitution of our company was changed from Private Limited to Public Limited with a change in the company name to “RKEC Projects Limited” and also listed on the NSE main board.
The Company got listed on the NSE Emerge Platform on 9 October 2017 and Mainboard of NSE on 18 December 2020